Sunday, March 27, 2011

C4K# 4-6 Summary

a cute cartoon of 3 children

The first student’s blog that I commented on was Caroline’s. In her most recent post she was discussing her new net book. She also expressed how excited she was to explore her new net book and was curious about using the internet on it. I simply commented that I know that it can be confusing when you get a new net book but as she worked with it, she would learn. I also told her that she was doing well with her blog and to keep up the good work. The second student’s blog I commented on was Nezinili’s and he gave a brief biography of himself. In his post he stated that he has 6 brothers and sisters and that his goal for the year is to improve his reading. I commented that it must be fun to have so many siblings. Also, I told him that I thought it was great that he was setting goals for himself and wanting to improve his reading. I concluded my comment by telling him great job and to keep up the good work. The third student’s blog I commented on was Tyler’s he was discussing the subject of friends. He stated in his post that friends were great and that he had lots of friends; however, he did not have a best friend. I merely stated in my comment that I agreed that friends are the best and that it was okay if he did not have one specific best friend, he can have lots of best friends. I completed my commented by telling him that his post was great and to keep up the good work.

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